This is a 1948 composition 12 in. Campbell Kid by Horsman, bought in Canada. She came dressed in a skimpy sun suit that fell apart. The smaller 9.5 in. vinyl doll c. 1972 was a premium for sending in Campbell’s Soup coupons.

Here are three unmarked 1940’s composition dolls that were given to me. The 13 in. doll on the right is wearing one of the popular pinafore dresses and has mohair braids and straw hat. The 13 in. doll on the left carries a bag with laced-edged hanky, mirror, powder box, and powder puff marked Vogue. The 11 in. doll in the center with sleep eyes is, dressed as a skater, resembling the famous Olympian and film star, Sonja Heine. Can anyone identify these three?
In the 1940s, my sisters gave me two 13 in. composition dolls McGuffey Ana and Flora McFlimsey, with wardrobe. These dolls were so beautifully dressed that I kept them that way. Both had human hair wigs. Flora was a redhead with freckles.
Madame Beatrice Alexander 1895-1990 was primarily a fashion designer and her doll clothes were perfection. To this day the Madame Alexander label means excellence.
Returning now to that 1939 Christmas, the doll my other sister gave me was a 17 in. Debu Teen doll with composition head, arms, and legs and a stuffed cloth body. It was made by the Arranbee Toy Co. I don’t remember what she was wearing at the time but I read recently that she came in a pink evening gown like a debutante might wear. My sister made her a rayon lounging suit with blue glass buttons. Her mohair wig became thin and mousy so I gave her a modern wig to cover it.