These are three of the Young Lady So Beautiful Dolls, 1996, by Playmate Toys, 15.5 in. There are seven of them, all wearing evening gowns, but with different hair and eye colors. The box advertised each one to the child as, “She’s exquisitely elegant … the very picture of the young lady you’ll become.” I made the outfit for the doll in the middle.
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Joey and Lacy
Joey, 6.75 in., and Lacey, 6.5 in., plus their 2 in. baby are from the 1995 Mattel series, Family Corners. The series consists of five females and five males, representing four races. Joey and Lacy are Hispanic with molded-on shoes and six jointed limbs. Lacey is packaged with a wedding gown, casual outfit, and cardboard house with four room scenes. Joey has a casual outfit, tuxedo, baby, and cardboard chapel and nursery scene.
Wedding Day
Wild Styles
This 7 in. vinyl Kewpie, 1991 by Jesco, wears her original outfit. She has five joints and is shown with an extra outfit. Kewpies made their first appearance in the Dec. 1909 issue of Ladies’ Home Journal. Illustrator Rose O’Neill created their drawings, stories, and poems. Most early Kewpies were bisque or celluloid. By 1913 they had composition heads and cloth bodies. Their name was derived from Cupids, the winged babies from Roman mythology.
Pansy, Daisy, and Sarah Jane
Pansy, on the left, and Daisy, 17 in., 1996 by Daisy Kingdom, Inc., were sold via a coupon in Simplicity Patterns. Made of hard vinyl with embossed hair and painted features, they came without an outfit, only underwear. Simplicity had a series of Daisy Kingdom patterns for little girls that also included the same pattern in doll size. I made Daisy’s romper. In front is 15.5 in. Sarah Jane, a Victorian doll with head, arms, and legs of vinyl and a soft, stuffed body. I made her dress from the Simplicity pattern.
Sailor Moon
In 1992 an 11 in. fashion doll, Sailor Moon, was produced by Bandai in Japan. Based on an animated TV series and a monthly comic magazine for girls, she was to become the most successful doll in Japan. In late 1995 Bandi America produced the US edition of Sailor Moon. The line was expanded to include friends, pets, and accessories.